Our clients said:

I’d love to use lead generation, but I’m not confident in the quality of the leads, where they come from and if they are GDPR compliant.


I’d like to use lead generation, but I’m not sure if it’s scalable or profitable for my audience.

So we built a solution!

What is EPiC?

EPiC lead generation allows you to collect consented zero-party data to communicate directly with prospects who have given clear consent for direct communication via a specific channel.

Using a unique consent platform, EPiC is lead generation for the responsible marketer, helping to build trust-based relationships with your prospects from the start and at scale.


Leads captured have an immutable (blockchain-like) audit trail, detailing; date and time of consent, the lead source, FPN and Privacy Policy shown and accepted by the data-subject and specific consent to the brand.


A solution designed using privacy-first principles, such as securing peoples data, easy for them to understand why their data has been collected and putting them in control.


The individual knows exactly which brand they are signing up to for more information (making it first-party data) rather than a hidden list of partners, showing their intent to purchase.


All leads include a GDPR compliant consent receipt demonstrating the evidence, together with preference data such as interests and frequency providing greater insights.

Not only is it GDPR compliant to have clean and accurate data, but it’s also the foundation of every campaign at Join the Dots. Organised data allows for informed decisions to be made based on evidence.

Whether it’s using data for acquisition, retention or cross selling, data is at the very heart of everything we do. We join the data dots to create meaningful insights that deliver effective campaigns and data solutions.

You can be confident that Join the Dots will handle your data in a GDPR compliant way being ISO27001 accredited and undertaking rigorous Cyber Security training regularly as a business. Your data safety is our priority.

Whether you’re looking for a quick chat about a campaign, advice on your media strategy, or career opportunities at Join the Dots, do get in touch.

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