Join the Dots

Independent, data-led media thinking for sustainable growth

Join the Dots are a vibrant, fiercely-independent media agency that connects and simplifies data to drive sustainable growth for our clients in a creative way.

We’re committed to working in a transparent, sustainable way to help clients meet their goals, regardless of channel or medium – digital, print, broadcast or anything else you can think of. We simplify the ever-growing pool of data points to enable customer or supporter acquisition sustainably, efficiently and ethically.

We help our clients:

Leverage their data

We join the data dots to create meaningful insights that deliver brilliant campaigns and data solutions. We help our clients get the very best from AI and machine learning, and have partnered with Herdify to precision target customers already talking about your brand.

Understand and build on results

We’re passionate about learning. We’ll analyse the results of our campaigns to the nth degree in order to refine, optimise and give our clients actionable insight.

Connect with their customers

We believe that connection is key. Whatever medium you’re using, you need to engage with your audience in a meaningful way. We help facilitate that by getting the right message to the right people at the right time.

We’re a proud part of the Salocin Group of brands who help organisations get their data and tech future-ready for enhanced connected customer experiences. We work using a strategy-led, data-fed approach – looking at what our clients ultimately want to achieve and then using data to get there.