The Wood for Trees State of the Sector Quiz 2024

Test your knowledge on the state of the charity sector with our quiz based on the latest InsightHub stats. Our most recent report used the data of over 15m UK supporters from 2023. Here we go…

SotS Quiz 2024
1) How much did overall income increase in 2023 compared to 2022?
2) What type of giving produced the most income in the 2023?
3) What channel saw the biggest drop in income for 2023?
4) Were recruitment volumes higher or lower compared to the same period last year?
5) How has ‘community fundraising’ recruitment changed compared to the same period last year?
6) How has gaming recruitment changed compared to the same period last year?
7) How has high value giving recruitment changed compared to the same period last year?
8) What demographic were most likely to give in 2023?
9) What percentage of ‘one-off donation’ recruits are female?
10) On average, how many regular givers have lapsed within the last 12 months?